Welcome !
Learn interactive puppetry and break new ground in therapy, education or care.

I'm Julia Zeman
Expert in interactive puppetry , creative therapist, coach, passionate workshop leader and founder of Puppetuni * with a clear vision :
lively, creative, consistently positive
I want to teach as many therapists, caregivers, educators and parents as possible the wonderful possibilities of interactive puppetry for more joy of play, more freedom of expression and easier building of trust .
It's not about memorizing lyrics and "playing something" for someone. By using a puppet
you can help small and big people to gain trust faster and to open up for development and healing.
You can clarify topics from new (for example childrens) perspectives without losing the clarity of your adult role.
You can find solutions while playing instead of overtaxing yourself with rational explanations.
bring joy and lightness to difficult processes.
So: does that sound good to you? Then you are exactly right here!

success stories
Martina Kauffman
Children & Adolescents
MANY thanks for these wonderful and really enriching days!!
The successes were immediately visible today:
The girl H. immediately found a high-intensity wire to the doll and poured her heart out.
Wow, I'm completely floored after this success and I'm sooo grateful to you that I got so much in my hand with this course that my whole work changes with it.
Evelyn Otte
Body language and communication trainer
It was wonderful. I learned something really new.
And you are such a magical player. I could watch you for hours.
Peter Hauff
speech therapist
The pedagogical opportunities that are also open to us speech therapists through the use of a doll are enormous.
In the seminar, Julia lets you experience first-hand how you can turn oversized "gloves" into a personality. Giving the puppet a voice and bringing it to life is tremendous fun.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Do you feel a longing for liveliness?
Then now is the right moment to say yes!
Interactive puppetry is great
to find easier ways to new solutions than by just "talking about it"
to experience new perspectives and to make them tangible for others
simply having more fun at work or in private life
learn to communicate more creatively
to bring themselves and others into contact with their "superpowers".
improve therapeutic, educational and personal relationships
to open new doors in difficult situations
Let emotions flow more freely
to bring more vitality into all areas of life