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The PUPPETUNI team consists of puppeteers with different professional backgrounds who have completed their training at the Puppetuni Institute for Puppet Play and Creative Therapy.


What unites us:

We love the vibrancy that we can spread with our puppets.
We love giving people a break from everyday life.
We love moving heavy subjects with ease .

We love puppets!

Book a professional puppeteer for a special occasion or as a regular offer


Julia Zeman

Founder and CEO of Puppetuni

Julia's specialties:

  • Training and further education for therapists, caregivers, educators and parents

  • Team days with puppetry workshop

  • Interactive puppet show as a highlight for company events

  • Original presentations with puppetry

  • Keynote with the mouth puppet Tim


Area of application: Germany, Austria, Switzerland

More about Julia

Tanja Woydelko

Certified Puppetuni Puppeteer

Police officer, non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy

Tanja loves practical jokes and is bursting with funny ideas. Life is serious enough and laughter is known to be the best medicine! In her earlier life as a police officer, Tanja not only hunted criminals, but was also involved in public relations work in day-care centers and schools . Today she is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and has completely dedicated herself to interactive puppetry . Tanja's puppet "ensemble" consists of more than 30 puppets and the number is growing all the time.  

When Tanja is out and about with her puppets, no eye stays dry.  

Tanja's puppetry specialties:

  • Cheering puppet visits in retirement homes and dementia flat shares

  • topic-related assignments in day-care centers and schools.

Operational area: Berlin


Katarina Ella Messner

Certified Puppetuni Puppeteer

Qualified teacher, systemic family therapist

As an experienced family therapist, Katarina does magic ease into tricky situations with her puppets, helps children and parents to gain new courage , to defuse conflicts and to find sustainable solutions to their problems. Katarina loves fairy tales and loves to play inner healing stories with their clients that make a lot of fun and help families to find new ways.


Katarina's puppetry specialties:

  • Private puppetry therapy for families and children  

  • Interactive fairy tale games with puppets


Area of application: Berlin and Brandenburg and the Waren an der Müritz region

Claudia Mendel

Certified Puppetuni Puppeteer

Legal supervisor, qualified teacher  

In her job, Claudia accompanies people suffering from dementia and neurological diseases . Due to her empathetic nature , she understands her clients particularly well.


With her puppet Bastian, she provides emotional security, joy and lightness.

Bastian finds great connections to people and ensures happy highlights in everyday life .


Claudia's puppetry specialties:

  • puppetry visits in retirement homes, dementia flat shares, facilities for the disabled and private households


Operational area: North Rhine-Westphalia


There's still room for you...




Be part of our team!

We are looking for a professional employee on a mini-job basis  in the field of social media marketing .  

With good cooperation, there is the long-term possibility of employment subject to compulsory insurance.


right up your alley?


Then send us your meaningful application including your salary expectations to post(ät)


We are looking forward to you!




We let the puppets dance:

therapeutically, or as an extraordinary highlight at events.

We love liveliness! We love clacking mouth dolls!

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puppet show for meetings,  puppet show for congresses,  puppet show for weddings,  puppet show for children's parties,  puppet show for project days,  puppet show for christmas parties,  puppet show for kick-off events,  puppet show for seniors,  puppet show for people with dementia,  puppet show for conflict resolution with ease,  puppet show as  Support for children and families in crises and phases of upheaval

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